Balkan tour 2012
Photo - Balkan Tour 2012 WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto
Our results: 5хCACIB, 2xR.CACIB, Champion of Serbia, Champion of Bulgaria, Grand Champion of Bulgaria, Balkan
Champion, Champion of Romania, Grand Champion of Romania
CACIB Bogatich 31.03.12
Expert: Dragana Vlahovic (SRB)
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto - CW, CAC, Best female, CACIB
CACIB Vrsach 01.04.12
Expert: Sinisa Sancanin (SRB)
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto - CW, CAC, Best female, CACIB, BOB
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto Champion of Serbia
CACIB Dobrich 03.04.12
Expert: Dragan Janjic (SRB)
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto - CW, CAC, R.CACIB
CACIB Dobrich 04.04.12
Expert: Sergey Slukin (UA)
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto - CW, CAC, Best female, CACIB, BOB, 3rd place in the group BEST
CACIB Dobrich 05.04.12
Expert: Zoran Curcic (SRB)
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto - CW, CAC, Best female, CACIB, BOB, 2rd place in the group BEST
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto Champion of Bulgaria, Grand Champion of Bulgaria, Balkan Champion
CACIB Slobozia 07.04.12
Expert: Cristian Stefanescu (RO)
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto - CW, CAC, R.CACIB
CACIB Slobozia 08.04.12
Expert: Anca Giura (RO)
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto - CW, CAC, Best female, CACIB
WilaHogs Shauntia for Reddogfoto Champion of Romania, Grand Champion of Romania
